The girls are a whole other blog, but I will say they make great grades and they make MAMMA proud.
Christmas 2011
I am so glad to be making a change in my life. This change is much more than a change, but more like a chain of changes. The main thing i a struggling with is what I really want to do with my life. I really thought that I had it planned, but I am really lost. I have many talents like drawing, painting, singing, event planning, cooking, crafting, decorating, and the list goes on.
Some of my art
Cupcakes my sister and I made for a baby shower
I am also good at a lot of things like doing taxes, teaching, and coordinating. I even tried the approach of separating my hobbies from the pack, but nothing has come of it. I even have thought about becoming a meteorologist and a storm chaser (how in the world did I get that thought). I love looking at the sky and keeping up with weather. I am the one calling everybody when a storm is approaching, especially if it is tornado forming. I take pics of storm clouds.
A pic I took of storm clouds
I REALLY NEED HELP!!! How am I suppose to make a decision. I settled on becoming an 8th grade Reading teacher. What can I say...I got mouths to feed. I also have some other struggles in my life like being overweight...I mean morbidly OBESE. I also deal with being a great mother, a great wife, a good person in sound mind and sooooo much more. Thats why I needed to take time and focus on me. There are some things that are so deep inside and buried and I want o bring them to surface and release them for good. I feel so discombobulated and full of nothing good for me. So that is why I decided to make a list of a few things happening in my life that are good:1. My home is under construction
This will help me get a Feng Shui going on up in here...RELAX RELATE RELEASE
2. I am going to REBOOT my body
As of right now I am in the middle of fasting. this will help me cleanse my body, mind and spirit.
3. I am working on relationships
My husband and I decided it was time to bring in the Shrinks. We will be going through marriage and family counseling. OMG!!!
4. I am starting a business

5. I will have my second Master's this year
Master's in Business and Education
5. I am advancing in my career
Oh this means more $$$$$$.
Well lets see what happens you guys!
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