I can not wait to decorate. Right now we are in the middle of construction with the walls, cabinets and floors being done, but what I am anxious for is the decorating part. I am no interior designer and never had any schooling for it. I try to mimic my sister with the boards, but it does not always work. She will eventually tell what needs to be done here and there. I figure her advice has to be good for something being that she is a floor planner and all. With all do respect...I take any advice my sissy gives me. I want to go for a relaxed, shabby and chic look. What do you think?
This blog gives you insight into who I am and what I am growing to be. I want to share my daily experiences with you as I work on me. I have exhausted myself worrying, caring, and providing for my family. I have not achieved any major goals in my life mentally, spiritually, physically, or financially. I go hard for others, but not myself. So from here on out I am putting myself first. As Tamar said it best, "Get yo life", I plan to do just that.
Friday, June 29, 2012
This is why the schools need more creative subjects
Redo Time
The bottom left hand photo is showing where the sliding glass door with no deck on the outside use to be. We have closed it in so far. The top right shows the division wall that was there before (we have removed it) between the kitchen and the living room and the bottom right shows my front door and fire place in the living room. We have painted since then and my new kitchen is in the middle of my floor as I blog.
Here is my plan
Thanks to IKEA 3D PLANNER, I have mad my kitchen two times the size it was. All of my cabinets are here and ready to go, but we have had to take our time to get it done with all the changes we made to the area. We purchase our laminate floors this weekend where we caught an awesome sale for cherry wood 7mm at .59 cent per square foot.
We have painted our walls in the hallway, living and kitchen a coastal blue. We plan on adding a brown back splash (really have not seen a winner yet) and adding lighting to each glass cabinet and under each top cabinet.
Here is my inspiration! I think that this is as close to what I want that I could find. I plan on using some creative ideas for storage and decorating. I will continue to keep an update on the progress.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Hair Update
Hair Do time UPDATE
So I tried the hairstyle seen in photo and let me tell you....I AM NOT A STYLIST. Well the only cost was FREE. I had half of a relaxer left (Good thing about having short hair) and of course I used Wen shampoo and conditioner. This is what I was able to do.
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Hair do I will try |
So what do I do to find hair product that does not dry my hair out and conditions it very well? I'm doing the research and when I find it will let you know. In the mean time I will use the rest of my Wen and then hopefully I will have a solution to the problem. By the way I must mention that I have relaxed hair. My USE TO BE hair dresser told me that i was damaging it with the BOX PERM. My thought was "oh you just want my money honey". My past research shows that its OK for me to use box perms, but as long as it has tea tree oils and aloe vera product in it. I must also drink plenty of water and get plenty of vitamin E. I figure the box perm will cost me about $9.00.
I hope this works.
A Bouquet of Good Intentions
A Bouquet of Good Intentions
My community retreat is now over and for some unknown reason I spent a good portion of the retreat praying about all of my GOOD INTENTIONS. I don't know who came up with that silly saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." It isn't true! Why do we so often think about things in negative terms? We could just as easily say that the road to heaven is paved with the seeds of good intentions. Seeds take time to germinate. The seeds we plant in the earth require a time of waiting before they are able to blossom. Likewise, the good intentions that fall into our hearts may not blossom immediately (for many reasons). This does not mean we should forget them
Obviously these good intentions have come from God whose name can be found in the word, good. Just because they were given to me and yet remain unfulfilled does not mean they are dead intentions. They are still good. So let's ponder together some of our good intentions. In the midst of our busy lives they visit us like guardian angels. If we have not adequately brought these good intentions to fruition today, there is always tomorrow or the next day, or even the next month or two. They have come to us for a reason and we are the ones who can help them to blossom.
Today I am making a bouquet of my good intentions. I will print them out and put them on my bulletin board as a reminder that it is never too late to bring them to birth.
I just read this blog about the Bouquet of good intentions. I had to weep after reading it because it moved me so much. It was so close and dear to my heart. I have struggled to be a good wife and mother and I think of things to try to improve and sometimes never get around to doing them. This blog let me know that I'M NOT A BAD PERSON AFTER ALL. Thanks Macrina!
From under the Sycamore Tree Blog
A Bouquet of Good Intentions
My community retreat is now over and for some unknown reason I spent a good portion of the retreat praying about all of my GOOD INTENTIONS. I don't know who came up with that silly saying, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." It isn't true! Why do we so often think about things in negative terms? We could just as easily say that the road to heaven is paved with the seeds of good intentions. Seeds take time to germinate. The seeds we plant in the earth require a time of waiting before they are able to blossom. Likewise, the good intentions that fall into our hearts may not blossom immediately (for many reasons). This does not mean we should forget them
Obviously these good intentions have come from God whose name can be found in the word, good. Just because they were given to me and yet remain unfulfilled does not mean they are dead intentions. They are still good. So let's ponder together some of our good intentions. In the midst of our busy lives they visit us like guardian angels. If we have not adequately brought these good intentions to fruition today, there is always tomorrow or the next day, or even the next month or two. They have come to us for a reason and we are the ones who can help them to blossom.
Today I am making a bouquet of my good intentions. I will print them out and put them on my bulletin board as a reminder that it is never too late to bring them to birth.
- Write a real letter to someone in my address book.
- Go for an early morning walk at least once a week.
- Devise a regular schedule for writing..
- Visit Jackie.
- Send a card of support to our spiritual directors.
- Call Mary soon.
- Affirm someone every day.
- Work in the soup kitchen once in awhile
- Visit our Sisters in the infirmary at least once a week.
- Write on my blog at least once a week.
- Design an 'on-line' retreat experience.
- Listen to others with my very best presence.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Feeling Inspired
I just watched So You Think You Can Dance. What a Top 20 Bunch it is this year. My shots go out to the under dog Cyrus "GLITCH" (Reminds me of TWITCH) Spencer. Boy, I really thought that when he walked into that room he was gonna be DENIED the top 20 spot. He is AMAZING at what he does, but he really needs work in other danced areas.
However, moving on, I really enjoyed myself tonight. I think that if I were not so big then I could have been a dancer. Dancers move me so much and I really love the way Zooey Deschanel put it, "It's like a moving painting".
I feel that when I see dancing its so many art forms coming together to form one. Its art, its music, its dance, its photography, its fashion, its hair, its drama and so much more. Above are some photos I found that inspire me to want to make art.
However, moving on, I really enjoyed myself tonight. I think that if I were not so big then I could have been a dancer. Dancers move me so much and I really love the way Zooey Deschanel put it, "It's like a moving painting".
I just love the DRAMA and MOVEMENT of it all!
So you think you can dance Audrey and Janelle
This is a dance that absolutely moved me!
These are more photos I found
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Can Help Attract New Gifts and Energy
I am a fool for acronyms. I found this one for change. I love it because it is exactly what I want to do. In my profile I said that I had a whole new prospective on my own acronym PLUS pretty luscious and ultimately sexy. Of course when you see me it definitely is what it is, but now I see it means something totally different.
P Putting me first for a change
L loving who I am
U Utilizing the talents I have
S Seeing my life positively
I have to be selfish in order for my life and everyone else around me to be better. I realize this after questioning how good of a mother and wife I am. if I have to question myself in anything I do then I don't have an assurance of what I can totally be in whatever I do. Therefor allowing me to fail.
I am a queen, a Goddess, a nice and loving heart in this world. I have made so many mistakes that can not be changed. I have also criticized when i could not take being criticized. Basically, I am not perfect, but I love how polished I have become.
I am a vessel of many talents. I can do anything I put my mind to do. I know I hold the key to my success, but I have to start using what I have.
I am tired of being tired and sad f being sad. I have to look at the brighter side of things. I can be more affectionate, loving, and successful where I am lacking. JUST DO IT. No more allowing negativity hold me back.
Can Help Attract New Gifts and Energy
I am a fool for acronyms. I found this one for change. I love it because it is exactly what I want to do. In my profile I said that I had a whole new prospective on my own acronym PLUS pretty luscious and ultimately sexy. Of course when you see me it definitely is what it is, but now I see it means something totally different.
P Putting me first for a change
L loving who I am
U Utilizing the talents I have
S Seeing my life positively
I have to be selfish in order for my life and everyone else around me to be better. I realize this after questioning how good of a mother and wife I am. if I have to question myself in anything I do then I don't have an assurance of what I can totally be in whatever I do. Therefor allowing me to fail.
I am a queen, a Goddess, a nice and loving heart in this world. I have made so many mistakes that can not be changed. I have also criticized when i could not take being criticized. Basically, I am not perfect, but I love how polished I have become.
I am a vessel of many talents. I can do anything I put my mind to do. I know I hold the key to my success, but I have to start using what I have.
I am tired of being tired and sad f being sad. I have to look at the brighter side of things. I can be more affectionate, loving, and successful where I am lacking. JUST DO IT. No more allowing negativity hold me back.
Hair Do time
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Hair do I will try |
So what do I do to find hair product that does not dry my hair out and conditions it very well? I'm doing the research and when I find it will let you know. In the mean time I will use the rest of my Wen and then hopefully I will have a solution to the problem. By the way I must mention that I have relaxed hair. My USE TO BE hair dresser told me that i was damaging it with the BOX PERM. My thought was "oh you just want my money honey". My past research shows that its OK for me to use box perms, but as long as it has tea tree oils and aloe vera product in it. I must also drink plenty of water and get plenty of vitamin E. I figure the box perm will cost me about $9.00.
I hope this works.
My First Post!
Hey hey..look who's talking now!
So now I am in the world of blogging. I use to be like blogga please, but now I see the benefits of blogging. I have come to a point in my life where it is all about me. I can't give anymore spiritually, physically, mentally, and even socially until I focus on getting me right. So I created this blog to help me and maybe help the next person who is just like me at the point I am in my life. Hmm... let see, I 32 with four kids. I have three girls, two are in high school and one in elementary and one boy...oh wait that boy is my husband (I love you dear). Anyways, for real I have three girls and all I can say is poor husband of mine. My husband is my best friend and he has been such a big part of my growth and who I am.
The girls are a whole other blog, but I will say they make great grades and they make MAMMA proud.
I am also good at a lot of things like doing taxes, teaching, and coordinating. I even tried the approach of separating my hobbies from the pack, but nothing has come of it. I even have thought about becoming a meteorologist and a storm chaser (how in the world did I get that thought). I love looking at the sky and keeping up with weather. I am the one calling everybody when a storm is approaching, especially if it is tornado forming. I take pics of storm clouds.
1. My home is under construction
This will help me get a Feng Shui going on up in here...RELAX RELATE RELEASE
2. I am going to REBOOT my body
As of right now I am in the middle of fasting. this will help me cleanse my body, mind and spirit.
3. I am working on relationships
My husband and I decided it was time to bring in the Shrinks. We will be going through marriage and family counseling. OMG!!!
4. I am starting a business
I am not for sure what it will be, but I am starting one with my twin. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that I do have a twin!!
5. I will have my second Master's this year
Master's in Business and Education
5. I am advancing in my career
Oh this means more $$$$$$.
Well lets see what happens you guys!

The girls are a whole other blog, but I will say they make great grades and they make MAMMA proud.
Christmas 2011
I am so glad to be making a change in my life. This change is much more than a change, but more like a chain of changes. The main thing i a struggling with is what I really want to do with my life. I really thought that I had it planned, but I am really lost. I have many talents like drawing, painting, singing, event planning, cooking, crafting, decorating, and the list goes on.
Some of my art
Cupcakes my sister and I made for a baby shower
I am also good at a lot of things like doing taxes, teaching, and coordinating. I even tried the approach of separating my hobbies from the pack, but nothing has come of it. I even have thought about becoming a meteorologist and a storm chaser (how in the world did I get that thought). I love looking at the sky and keeping up with weather. I am the one calling everybody when a storm is approaching, especially if it is tornado forming. I take pics of storm clouds.
A pic I took of storm clouds
I REALLY NEED HELP!!! How am I suppose to make a decision. I settled on becoming an 8th grade Reading teacher. What can I say...I got mouths to feed. I also have some other struggles in my life like being overweight...I mean morbidly OBESE. I also deal with being a great mother, a great wife, a good person in sound mind and sooooo much more. Thats why I needed to take time and focus on me. There are some things that are so deep inside and buried and I want o bring them to surface and release them for good. I feel so discombobulated and full of nothing good for me. So that is why I decided to make a list of a few things happening in my life that are good:1. My home is under construction
This will help me get a Feng Shui going on up in here...RELAX RELATE RELEASE
2. I am going to REBOOT my body
As of right now I am in the middle of fasting. this will help me cleanse my body, mind and spirit.
3. I am working on relationships
My husband and I decided it was time to bring in the Shrinks. We will be going through marriage and family counseling. OMG!!!
4. I am starting a business

5. I will have my second Master's this year
Master's in Business and Education
5. I am advancing in my career
Oh this means more $$$$$$.
Well lets see what happens you guys!
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